On May 23, 2953, Bluetech held an information meeting with the aim of informing employees about what is happening within the company.
The meeting took place aboard the BT Cordelia departing Port Tressler at DTG 232130.
The meeting was slightly delayed due to a hijacking attempt just outside Port Tressler. But thanks to 10K and Aimyourstar’s quick intervention, the hijacker was neutralized relatively quickly. Bluetech Staff and CEO would like to thank 10K and Aimyourstar for a very wise intervention.
The meeting had the following topics.
1. Bluetech new Website + BLAN.
Where we had a basic review of functions of the site as well as BLAN.
2. Events.
Information about two major upcoming events was mentioned, one of which is a return meeting with Swetrust Enterprise and a longer Exploration mission which is divided into two game days. All members are welcome to participate and contribute regarding how these two events could be carried out. Furthermore, our official game day was changed from Tuesday to Wednesday. Upcoming events should therefore primarily be on Wednesdays, but at the same time it should be perfectly fine to carry out events on other days as well.
Events will be posted on our website. Later, we will try to fix a link so that upcoming events are posted on our discord server automatically. Remember to sign up for the events so you can create the conditions to rise in the ranks within Bluetech.
3. Swedish Umbrella.
General information about Swedish Umbrella (SWEUMB) was held and what Bluetech’s view of our relationship with SWEUMB. Furthermore, information was provided on where to find the latest meeting minutes from the SWEUMB Parliament and how and where to view upcoming motions for upcoming Parliament meetings. SWEUMB has parliamentary meetings once a month.
The CEO also went through the motion that has been submitted by the organization TKORS ahead of the upcoming Parliament meeting in SWEUMB. Bluetech will inform about upcoming events either through meetings or that it is posted on the SWEUMB forum on our website.
4. Miscellaneous.
Hagbard_ml went through the SRS server that Bluetech has allowed all members within SWEUMB to use. WE have had it as a longer test period but will end the test on July 1, 2953. After that, Bluetech will go into an analysis phase to see if this can be something for us in the future or not.
We thank all members for a good meeting.