Bluetech Local Area Network Version 2.0
This network is for employees only. All information within the network is stricly Bluetech’s property and must be treated accordingly.
Each operation has a purpose and most often it is about reaching a certain level of minerals. For example, one customer orders 120 cSCU Agricium. The operations center chooses which exploration field is to be used and how the effort is to be carried out. Either it is a time-critical operation that will require all available means or it is the fracture for a longer period of time that gives a completely different behavior. The operations center also monitors how and when the minerals are to be transported. When the deal is contracted and planned, the Operation Center sends out a Mining order to the fleet.
After mining is completed, there is a requirement to fill in a mining report as below. The purpose of this is for operation center to be able to follow up how each exploration field can alternatively follow up the goals in different mining operations. Fill out the form below and submit your report to the Prospecting Divisions Operation Center.
Head of the exploration department
Cdr Powel Hemanshe