Bluetech Local Area Network Version 2.0
This network is for employees only. All information within the network is stricly Bluetech’s property and must be treated accordingly.
Here you will find our current prospecting fields. In total, we have 23 fields in STANTON connected to Aaron Halo with 5 HUBs that we operate from. Each HUB has its own Refinery, where all HUBs are specialized in different minerals. Our field maps are designed to easily find each field, but also to simplify the planning stage before a mining mission. Explanation of Field name Field name A1C4 means the route from ARC-L1 to CRU-L4 and the distances in the maps are then the remaining distance to CRU-L4 from ARC-L. This way you will find your way to Band 5. Which according to the Exploration Division is densest with rock.