Bluetech Local Area Network Version 2.0

This network is for employees only. All information within the network is stricly Bluetech’s property and must be treated accordingly.

Mining Competition 2954

Mining Competition 2954

Bluetech hereby invites all employees to this year’s mining competition.

The competition is organized by the Prospecting division and runs between 10/7-2954 (20:00) to 16/10 2954 (23:00). During this period, it is about collecting as much minerals as possible by submitting a mining report. Don’t forget to fill in the Mission Qualifier: Mining Competition 2954 in the mining report form. You can follow the competition live by looking into the Mining Dashboard.

The goal of the competition is to choose the best miner, which is why the competition is carried out individually. However, the competition elements can be carried out together, but it is only the individual reports that count.

The winner is the one who collects the most minerals in quantity during the competition period. In case two participants or more end up on the same amount of minerals, the one who has collected the greatest value is appointed.

First prize is a new hoverbike PULSE from MIRAI



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